How Some Boutiques Can Save You
If you happened to read my last blog post, “I Have A Dream,” you learned that I opened Sprinkles n Confetti Boutique because I was personally tired of having poor choices for clothing. Either the store shelves were bare and everyone in town had the same few things OR I’d buy something that looked cute online and one of two things would happen (if not both): 1) it was sourced from overseas and would take months to get here or 2) when it finally showed up, it was sized to meet a 2 year old! And lord knows, returns to these companies are difficult, if not just down right impossible. So that is how Sprinkles n Confetti was born. I knew there had to be a better way to shop and it is my mission to make shopping fun again! Why can’t the American woman have fun shopping again and find clothes that are trendy, good quality, and actually fit the body? Am I wrong to think that is too much to expect?
Well, this is how Sprinkles n Confetti (and other Boutiques) can help you! Not only are most boutiques owned by women who have a purpose behind their store, but we act as your buffer between vendors and you, the customer. It is our job to find good quality, trendy clothes that actually fit your body well, gives you confidence, and makes you happy in your’ clothes! We have all gone shopping before and left defeated and depressed as everything makes you look frumpy or it is made for either a teenager (hello crop tops) or for your grandma. Boutique owners curate collections and current trends, colors, and patterns to keep you at the top of your game.

We, boutique owners, try hard to find good vendors! I, myself, will only use US based suppliers. Now that is not to say that all of my products are made in the USA, but I try to get as many as I can though. Rather this means that the supplier is based in the US and the products are already in-stock in the US. This says that when I place an order, I know I will have it in my possession within just a few days. This is very important to me.
But quality is the major factor I look for in vendors. Many of you have noted when you purchase my items “oh, it is so soft”- yes, I find vendors that have the luxurious, soft feeling fabrics that are so nice. I try very hard to find those great vendors.
And you can’t always judge a picture by a picture. On occasion, I will try a new vendor and not be happy. That happened this week. I bought three outfits

from a new vendor and was very excited for them to arrive as they looked lovely online. Upon arrival, they were awful. I ordered a graphic ribbed tank top. It was not ribbed- more like spandex- and the large may fit a 5 year old. NOPE! Going back! Next item, a cute top in the picture- AWFUL in person. GOING BACK! And the final item, a dress- again sized too small- boobs poppin’ out everywhere and I am not a big chested woman. GOING BACK! So, just like when you buy something online from a site and have to pay for shipping and return shipping if your return it- so do I. So this was a costly “trial” on my part of using this new vendor. But guess what, it was worth it. Because ultimately, I am saving you the customer, as I am the intermediary between vendors and the end user, you. I take that risk in my boutique. I want to make sure that I have items that meet my quality and sizing standards for you. And if they don’t, they go back. I take the guess work out of it for you.
And by boutique owners taking those risks and doing the work up front of securing good vendors that meet those higher standards for our customers, that is how boutiques can save you in time and money and give you the fashion that you not only desire, but that you deserve!